You can't feel "that" bad

I have so many thoughts and constantly wondering how to put into words what those are without writing a novel. So many people misuse the medical system that those of us who truly do need help we are made to feel as though what our complaints are cannot be "that bad". Have you felt what I do? Can you do what I can and cannot? Does your body choose for you what you can do for the day? I replay and second guess any and all medical issues and feeling that I have, "Am I really not in the pain that I feel? Do people really make up these type of symptoms? How come they can fake them so well they get the treatment I need but yet I cannot get that treatment because it's not real? Or not bad enough? I have been referred to a colon/rectal surgeon (awesome) for a consult for a complete Colectomy (where they remove the entire large colon and intestine). I did my research on the surgeon I was referred to which she has great reviews and many 5 stars which is a wi...