
Showing posts from August, 2017

Technical difficulties

Ahh NPO.. I've said "Are you kidding me!" So many times it's now a constant shake of my head with so many disappointments it's ridiculous. My central line has flipped on its side, my nurse says "Wow I've only seen this once and I couldn't access but let's try anyway" not only did this person miss, they missed so bad they bent the needle inside against the wall of my port. "I'm so sorry girl, so sorry. Man, I need to do it again" as they bend the needle back and try to re-access again; now keep in mind, I am in pain and it did not register the huge red flag this person has now done. This time the needle brakes.. "Oh man, I am so so sorry girl.. Do you have one more access kit? I'm going to attempt one more time" Lucky me I had one.. They had me lay on the floor, weird I've never been accessed on the floor, I've always been sitting up. But, I do as I'm asked. As I'm laying there I know something...

My Central line

       Lets start this one from 7 weeks ago.. 8 weeks ago it was decided that I needed a TPN line; also known as a central line. What this is it's supposed to do for me is force my body to absorb nutrients in hopes that I will gain weight and all in all just feel better.        I was told check in time is 6:00 am.. Holy Moly that's early! But the sooner it is the sooner I get to eat. :) As Bryan and I are driving around the hospital trying to find out where to go we finally get directed to the correct place.. the cath lab.. The nurse takes us back and as I get ready we seem to always be a ray of sunshine and always make light of the situation we are facing, we'd rather laugh than be quiet and wonder about all of the "what if's". After the nurse is done doing the "serious stuff" we joke around some more while waiting for my doctor to come in. Enter doctor no personality! She says, "Do you need this for chemo? ...