
Showing posts from November, 2017


I have been quiet for quite some time, I'm sure you've noticed. A lot has happened these past 2 months. Many things that take many hours and days to process. You know the stages; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I am stuck in a tornado between anger and depression. I am not in denial, I have accepted the fact that I am sick and I will never be cured. I have fought so many doctors to help me that I've become worn out and sick of fighting. I am baffled by the amount of so called "medical professionals" who know nothing about my illnesses and if they do its very small. I have a rare and complicated case of sever gastroparisis with diverticulitis both of those are paralysis of the GI track, having those two combined with my two heart conditions is just a recipe for failure. I have been off of my TPN feeds for a month and a half now, testing my body to see what it does or does not do. Being on TPN I felt no different other than "feed sick...