What does one say for a "first post"?
I had a request from some friends asking why I've not started a blog about how I cope with life the way I do. Not going to lie, life has thrown me some pretty crappy cards. Having the poor quality of life I do as well as my diagnosis's most would lay down and throw in the towel. I had my first major surgery when I was 20; doctors decided maybe I needed my Gallbladder out because my symptoms (without testing) would show that to be the step to take. I'm here to tell you, it did not help.
I had a hysterectomy when I was 21 after a miscarriage of twins, that would be major surgery number 2. I can not count how many ER stays I've had, I can tell you I've had 1 emergency surgery and that was last year (2016) if I would have let my stubbornness win I would not be here today.
I had a mild heart attack in December of 2010 which is when I was diagnosed with *Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome; what that basically means is that when anything is inside my intestines they squish my artery causing blood flow to slow and/or stop which causes heart attack type symptoms. I ended up having duodenojejunostomy (I call it a DJ it is was to hard to spell lol) done which made 2 ways for food and fluids to travel. Following that surgery the diagnoses and tests just coming.. Foods I shouldn't eat, drinks I shouldn't drink, activities I shouldn't do, jobs I shouldn't work.
When I got my first nissen fluncpatication; that is where they take the bottom of your esophagus and wrap it a little tighter around your stomach to avoid food and acid to come back up into your esophagus, I was given a 30% chance I would need it again.. To this day I've now had 5..
Having 2 heart conditions do not help, I can not take meds for them, because my body does not absorb any meds and/or nutrition which explains a lot as to why I can not seem to gain weight, or pain manage well enough at home.
Back in 2015 I was referred to the Mayo clinic and was denied do to my complexity and their inability to help me and not wanting me to have false hope (that was devastating news) my doctors here could not understand how they could deny me. My GI doctor here got me into the Cleveland Clinic where I underwent some more testing and trials that never worked and actually caused me more pain. In 2016 I ended up getting a gastrectomy and spending 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital in Cleveland. By far my worst experience ever and I've yet to bounce back from this one. While there, they cut my lung in surgery, I got E.coli, ended up needing wound care, I got a blood transfusion, cut open in my hospital bed (that is what scary movies are made of, never in my life have I ever felt that pain) when discharged to the hotel inside the hospital for 3 days to make sure I was stable to fly I endured more pain, yet I was always told it was "normal" because of my wound and nicked lung.. I knew it was not that pain but was still given permission to fly home. Sometime between Minnesota and Utah I starter perforating on the lower left side (the place I continuously expressed my pain) and begged the flight attendant to allow me to lay on the floor during landing do to the fact I could not move. I was bawling by the time we landed, as we waited for my wheelchair (I was unable to walk) my mom did all she could to try and sooth and calm me. 20 days later I was in the ER and had found out I did indeed perforate, herniate was bleeding internally. I was rushed to emergency surgery and spent a night in the icu. I woke up to find I had 18 staples that went from my bellybutton to my hips. All I could think was "great more scars". Healing after that was a nightmare but I made it, sadly I dropped to 87 pounds and was nailed with a feeding tube (I've had 6), not gonna lie, their are benefits to having one especially when it came to medical tests.
I have started another battle against my body, I currently have a >3cm hernia and 3 partial blockages, my surgeon is trying his hardest to not take my lg. colon along with my lg. intestine but sadly my body has other plans. I look as though I am 16 weeks pregnant (trust me on this I have compared) and their is no sign or way to relive this without surgery. I have dropped in weight again and am fighting hard to stay at 100 or I will get the "feeding tube talk". I have to have my esophagus dilated every 6 weeks to keep it open so I do not choke on foods or liquids, all my inflammation is causing internal issues which makes daily activities extremely hard on me.
I do try to make jokes about my appointments and procedures and share the ups and downs. My reason for doing this blog and posting what's going on is not for sympathy it is to bring awareness and to hopefully help other dealing with issues as well.
All in all I am a GI mess and a doctors biggest nightmare.
I had a hysterectomy when I was 21 after a miscarriage of twins, that would be major surgery number 2. I can not count how many ER stays I've had, I can tell you I've had 1 emergency surgery and that was last year (2016) if I would have let my stubbornness win I would not be here today.
I had a mild heart attack in December of 2010 which is when I was diagnosed with *Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome; what that basically means is that when anything is inside my intestines they squish my artery causing blood flow to slow and/or stop which causes heart attack type symptoms. I ended up having duodenojejunostomy (I call it a DJ it is was to hard to spell lol) done which made 2 ways for food and fluids to travel. Following that surgery the diagnoses and tests just coming.. Foods I shouldn't eat, drinks I shouldn't drink, activities I shouldn't do, jobs I shouldn't work.
When I got my first nissen fluncpatication; that is where they take the bottom of your esophagus and wrap it a little tighter around your stomach to avoid food and acid to come back up into your esophagus, I was given a 30% chance I would need it again.. To this day I've now had 5..
Having 2 heart conditions do not help, I can not take meds for them, because my body does not absorb any meds and/or nutrition which explains a lot as to why I can not seem to gain weight, or pain manage well enough at home.
Back in 2015 I was referred to the Mayo clinic and was denied do to my complexity and their inability to help me and not wanting me to have false hope (that was devastating news) my doctors here could not understand how they could deny me. My GI doctor here got me into the Cleveland Clinic where I underwent some more testing and trials that never worked and actually caused me more pain. In 2016 I ended up getting a gastrectomy and spending 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital in Cleveland. By far my worst experience ever and I've yet to bounce back from this one. While there, they cut my lung in surgery, I got E.coli, ended up needing wound care, I got a blood transfusion, cut open in my hospital bed (that is what scary movies are made of, never in my life have I ever felt that pain) when discharged to the hotel inside the hospital for 3 days to make sure I was stable to fly I endured more pain, yet I was always told it was "normal" because of my wound and nicked lung.. I knew it was not that pain but was still given permission to fly home. Sometime between Minnesota and Utah I starter perforating on the lower left side (the place I continuously expressed my pain) and begged the flight attendant to allow me to lay on the floor during landing do to the fact I could not move. I was bawling by the time we landed, as we waited for my wheelchair (I was unable to walk) my mom did all she could to try and sooth and calm me. 20 days later I was in the ER and had found out I did indeed perforate, herniate was bleeding internally. I was rushed to emergency surgery and spent a night in the icu. I woke up to find I had 18 staples that went from my bellybutton to my hips. All I could think was "great more scars". Healing after that was a nightmare but I made it, sadly I dropped to 87 pounds and was nailed with a feeding tube (I've had 6), not gonna lie, their are benefits to having one especially when it came to medical tests.
I have started another battle against my body, I currently have a >3cm hernia and 3 partial blockages, my surgeon is trying his hardest to not take my lg. colon along with my lg. intestine but sadly my body has other plans. I look as though I am 16 weeks pregnant (trust me on this I have compared) and their is no sign or way to relive this without surgery. I have dropped in weight again and am fighting hard to stay at 100 or I will get the "feeding tube talk". I have to have my esophagus dilated every 6 weeks to keep it open so I do not choke on foods or liquids, all my inflammation is causing internal issues which makes daily activities extremely hard on me.
I do try to make jokes about my appointments and procedures and share the ups and downs. My reason for doing this blog and posting what's going on is not for sympathy it is to bring awareness and to hopefully help other dealing with issues as well.
All in all I am a GI mess and a doctors biggest nightmare.
*superior mesenteric artery syndrome arises from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta, just inferior to the origin of the celiac trunk, and supplies the intestine from the lower part of the duodenum through two-thirds of the transverse colon, as well as the pancreas. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a gastro-vascular disorder in which the third and final portion of the duodenum is compressed between the abdominal aorta and the overlying superior mesenteric artery. This rare, potentially life-threatening syndrome is typically caused by an angle of 6°-25° between the AA and the SMA, in comparison to the normal range of 38°-56°, due to a lack of retroperitoneal and visceral fat. In addition, the aortomesenteric distance is 2-8 millimeters, as opposed to the typical 10-20. Not many people are diagnosed with this while still living, it can only be seen on a CT.
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